Our first local A circuit of the year, what a great turn out…not to mention any shortage of first place finishes. We had riders in halter, hunter pleasure, equitation, lead line, walk trot hunter and western, western pleasure, side saddle, sport horse and hunt
Last year the Rescue 100 horse show was held at Fultonvale Arena but due to weather the venue was switched to Keno Hills Stable. Our group of riders had 17 horses entered in the show and regardless of the rain everyone was in great spirits. Taking the red ribbon home in the largest c
First A circuit horse show of the year, and was it ever a great way to kick off the season! We had a great big crew join us in Red Deer. There were lots of horses and riders and no shortage of fans out to support this great group of riders. Black Lite: Charlotte Rasmussen Abo
What a great show, not only did we have a ton of fun but the girls did amazing! Way to go guys, can’t wait for next year. ARIANNA BELL & KHANQUISTADOR: NATIONAL CHAMPION- WORKING HUNTER OVER FENCES JTR RESERVE NATIONAL CHAMPION- SPORT HORSE UNDER SADDLE JTR TOP TEN- SPORT H
A great kick off to this years show season with the Aurora Arabian Horse Show at Amberlea this weekend. KHS Jayda Kiss- Shaylin Sharpe Expect a Miracle- Charlotte Rasmussen and Isabelle Rasmussen KHS Born To Be Bad- Erika Metro Stirling Silver- Madison Johnson Khanquistador- Arianna B
Keno was out in full force bringing a total of 18 horses to the show to the Rescue 100 Charity Horse Show May 26th!! It was a beautiful day at Fultonvale Olympiette Center where the Keno Krew competed in Halter, English, Jumping and of course some novelty classes including the costum
On April 25th, 2012, If you weren’t dabbing your eyes, didn’t have a lump in your throat, you certainly would have been overwhelmed by the award recipients at the Integrity awards last Wednesday evening. All of the recipients, including our very own nominee, Susan F
What a HUGE Success!!! Keno Hills faced all elements to attend the very prestigious Scottsdale Arabian Horse Show from Feb 16-26th. It started off with the junior classes at the beginning of the week where we had surprise visits from many of our clients from Canada, what a great way
An awesome night on the town with the Keno Krew watching the advance screener of War Horse. It was a great night, thanks to everyone who made it so much fun!!